Do you feel like you’ve heard it all?

How Celebrities Get So Fit So Fast

And how you can do it too without busting your butt in the gym, starving yourself, or wasting your time and money on the latest diet, hot new exercise fad, or magic pill or potion

Fat people

Dear Friend,

How frustrated are you when it comes to getting in shape?

Do you feel like you’ve heard it all?

That you’ve TRIED it all?

Like the crazy, impossible-to-follow diets?

All the exhausting new exercise fads?

And yet…

The scale doesn’t budge…

Your reflection in the mirror doesn’t change…

Girl and notebook

And you hate the way you look in all those pictures EVERYONE seems to be taking these days and posting online for the whole world to see!

Celebrity Fitness Secrets…Revealed

Instead of being frustrated, let’s get SMART about getting in shape

Let’s take a look at who DOES succeed at getting fit fast…

Often INSANELY fast.

You see them online, on TV, on the big screen, and on the covers of your favorite magazines.

You guessed it: I’m talking about CELEBRITIES!

One day we’re gloating at how a paparazzi beach photo reveals how fat they’ve gotten…

And a few weeks later they’re on the cover of People or Shape flaunting their new lean, toned and super-sexy bod!

How DID Khloe Kardashian turn into a knock-out – seemingly overnight?

How DID country music superstar Miranda Lambert seemingly go from heavy to hottie in the blink of an eye?

And what’s that with Chris Pratt?

How did he morph from chubby to chiseled, fast enough to play a ripped Navy SEAL in Zero Dark Thirty?

Give me a few minutes and in this short presentation you’ll discover the secret behind EXACTLY how celebrities pull off amazing transformations like these...

And how YOU can, too.

Look, I’m not talking about crazy or harmful short-term “fixes.”

You can be sure they didn’t lose that weight and build all that muscle thanks to some late-night-TV abs machine or by eliminating gluten from their diet on alternate Thursdays.

No, I’m taking about what the SMART celebs do to “magically” and safely get in shape for upcoming movie roles, performances and red carpet awards shows…

And what they do to STAY in that kind of shape.

How do I know all their secrets?

That’s easy: It’s because I’M one of those secrets!

Fashion catwalk

The simple fact is: YOU DON'T GET RED CARPET READY - FAST - without inside knowledge of how that kind of magic really takes place.

Because It DOESN’T just happen.

It takes someone like me who shows up inside their homes….

Who inspires, motivates, and pushes them through their self-imposed barriers…

Who gives them the KNOWLEDGE of what really WORKS when it comes to working out and eating right…

And LOVING it instead of hating it.

Celebrities have easy access to those kinds of “trade secrets.”

And you usually don’t.

Until now.

Because I have PERMISSION to show you the exact step-by-step method I use to get my own famous clients into the BEST shape of their lives…


And the best part about it is:  I’m coming right into YOUR home to reveal how YOU can do it, too – WITHOUT any pills, potions, or the latest magic herbs or berries.

Hollywood’s Best Kept Celebrity Transformation Secret

Hi, I’m Mike Saffaie.

All you need to know about me is this: I’ve done it.

I built myself up to be good enough to achieve IFBB Pro status…

One of the most prestigious fitness designations in the world…

The same one that made Arnold Schwarzenegger famous.

And I followed that distinction by winning Mr. California Physique.

To compete successfully against some of the best bodies in the WORLD, I had to study with some of the top TRAINERS on the planet.

I learned what really works to bring out the body’s natural beauty by cutting away fat and sculpting abs, arms, chest and legs to perfection.

What REALLY makes me angry is that I know, from working behind the scenes, that these celebrity transformations have NOTHING AT ALL to do with those workout and diet fads the media loves to latch onto.

And that’s one more reason why I’m so committed to using what I’ve learned REALLY WORKS to help others get precisely the bodies they’ve always wanted…

As quickly, easily, and painlessly as possible.

How an International Music Superstar Discovered the Key to Insanely Fast Body Transformation and Got into the Best Shape of His Life

The secret is something I call Rapid Body Redefinition…

It’s based on what new scientific findings (and my own years of experience) say is the most effective way to lose weight and tone muscle quickly…

And SPECIFICALLY where you need or want it most.

Today, as a top trainer, I get constant requests from clients desperate to get in shape for an upcoming role, event, photo shoot, sports competition…

Or in the case of my friend international music superstar Flo Rida, to get back into super-ripped paparazzi-ready shape.

Even if you haven’t heard of Flo, you’ve probably heard his mega-hits playing somewhere, like “Sometimes I Get a Good Feeling” or his duet with Sia, “Wild Ones.”

Maybe you’ve seen him on The Today Show – or The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon.

He’s sold over a hundred million singles and has a boatload of Grammy nominations.

I’ll never forget when he first came to see me.

Flo had spent a lot of time in the studio and staying up late to party afterward.

Living that rock star lifestyle had taken a toll on his once flawless physique.

He was even beginning to wonder if he had the STAMINA to perform for hours in front of a live audience that expected him to rip off his shirt and “bring down the house” night after night.

Flo Rida Comes to Me for “Results on a Deadline”

Flo came to me because he had heard about the amazing fitness turnarounds I was helping my clients achieve thanks to my Rapid Body Redefinition program.

He felt it was JUST what he needed to get in shape for his upcoming tour.

But before we could get started, FLO had some demands I needed to meet.

First, he has a demanding schedule of personal appearances, recording sessions, and concerts.

So he doesn’t have a lot of time for working out.

Which meant that the workout program I designed for him had to be incredibly time-efficient.

Fortunately, I specialize in getting the best results in the shortest time possible.

Second, when he does work out, he demands that it be fun and motivating.
That’s just the kind of guy Flo is and the way he is about everything in his life.

No problem there, either.

That’s the way I am, too.

AND it’s the way I design all my workouts.

Flo Rida and Mike

Last but not least, Flo loves to eat, and he wasn’t about to put up with any “diet” that left him feeling hungry or deprived him of the foods he loves.

Again, no problem.

I gave Flo just a few strategic changes to his regular diet that enabled him to keep eating the foods he loves…

Yet still lose the fat he needed to lose.

Well, a few weeks later, Flo totally rocked that tour.

His fans really raised the roof when he jumped around the stage shirtless.

And raved about how incredibly “ripped” he looked.

And his energy level was so high he could have powered the entire building off the electricity of his performance.

Flo Rida

My Red-Carpet-Ready Secrets for Supercharging Your Fat Loss, Toning Your Muscle and Looking and Feeling Fantastic

Map point to star

Look, whether you star in movies or are simply the star in your own life….

You need three and only three things to lose the weight, tone the muscle, and get in the shape you desire in the shortest amount of time…

Whether that’s lean, trim, and strong or completely chiseled from head to toe.

The Right Workout: Short and Super-Effective First is the right workout.

You want one that’s fun and motivating, that pushes you as far as you need to go…

AND gives you MAXIMUM fat burning in MINIMAL time.

At the same time, your workout should ALSO zero in on and reshape those areas of your body that need the most help – those problem spots that, when finally fixed, will send your confidence soaring.

In a minute, I’ll show you how to do this as efficiently as possible using Rapid Body Redefinition to sculpt and reshape your body, just like a sculptor chisels a beautiful body out of a block of marble…

Utilizing the type of workouts PROVEN in study after study to keep your metabolism burning calories for DAYS after your workout…

Even while you’re sleeping or watching TV.

But first…

And this is number 2…

The Right Way to Eat: Delicious and Fat Burning

You also need to know the right way to eat.

Not the right way to “diet,” of course, because nobody just wants a list of foods they can’t eat! Instead, I will show you how to eat STRATEGICALLY – to get those lightning-fast results WITHOUT giving up taste or enjoyment.

Flo Rida jump

And without constantly feeling hungry and deprived.

More about this later, but you’ll be happy to know that one of the biggest secrets is NOT giving up many of the foods you love!

And NOT give up things like carbs, which your body needs.

The Right Source of Inspiration, Motivation and Education

Last but not least, you need the right trainer.

Someone with insider knowledge of what really works in exercise and nutrition – and how to combine the two.

Someone who is in great shape themselves. Someone who can push you just enough and keep you motivated.

Celebrities, of course, can afford to pay literally hundreds of dollars an hour for the best trainers to come to their homes...

Making the REAL techniques for fast, effective weight loss and muscle toning simply unavailable to most people…

No matter how badly they want or need to get in shape.

At least that’s been the case up until now.

But a conversation I had with Flo when he got back from that hugely successful tour changed all that.

And, if you would like to get YOURSELF a Hollywood body – as fast as possible…

I can literally change your life.

Flo Demands the Secret Be Shared

When Flo got back, he told me what a success the tour had been… He was being bombarded with questions on Facebook and Twitter about how he got in such great shape.

Flo said he didn’t know what to tell people other than “go train with Mike.”

He confessed that he’s NEVER known anyone who can do what I can do for a person’s body.

But then he got this look in his eye, like when he’s found a hook for a new song, and he says…

“Mike, I’ve got an idea of how we can bring YOU to them – by coming right into their homes like you came into mine.

“We’ll start by getting my production company to come and film you training me and some of my friends and fans…”

So that’s what we did.

Mike and Flo Rida with gear

And that’s how FLO FIT was born.

We simply took the best exercise science and the best of what has worked for celebrities like Flo and thousands of my other clients…

That got them in the most amazing shape of their lives…

In the shortest amount of time possible…

And we’re making it available – for the first time – for you

Not Just for Celebrities Anymore!

Now, thanks to Flo Rida, YOU can take advantage of these techniques with a program that’s absolutely state of the art in terms of what we know about exercise science.

I’ve tested it out on my clients.

We did a limited-release of the do-it-at-home program.

In both cases, people have gotten phenomenal results.

Check out Oliver, he lost 20lbs in just 8 weeks of FLO FIT: Oliver Lost 20 Pounds in 8 Weeks

Oliver Lost 20 Pounds in 8 Weeks

“You won’t believe how easy FLO FIT is to follow and how enjoyable the workouts are. I got results immediately and lost 20 pounds during the 8 week program. The workouts are all 30 minutes or less, so I was always able to make time. Mike Saffaie will keep you motivated! He’s an amazing trainer.”

OLIVER • 41 years old Ladner, British Columbia, Canada RESULTS* • Lost 20 lbs. (192 to 172 lbs.)
Steve Lost 15 Pounds in 8 Weeks Steve Lost 15 Pounds in 8 Weeks

Steve Lost 15 Pounds in 8 Weeks

“When I started the FLO FIT training program I was 185 lbs. I am 5’9, had very little muscle definition, and had excess fat on my waistline, chest and arms. After 8 weeks I was down to 170 lbs. and had more upper body definition than ever. I truly believe in this program, it’s one of the best purchases I’ve ever made!”

STEVE • 27 years old Philadelphia, PA RESULTS* • Lost 15 lbs. (185 to 170 lbs.)

Now we’re ready to release FLO FIT to the world, and you’re invited to be a part of it.

To try it out risk-free and let us know what YOU think.

But first, let’s take a closer look at exactly how Rapid Body Redefinition works…

And how YOU can use it to get in red-carpet-ready shape quickly and easily.

FLO FIT Science Means You No Longer Need Hours at the Gym

Natalie La Rose

The foundation of FLO FIT’s 8 Week Rapid Body Redefinition is a series of full-body workouts that shape and strengthen your entire body.

Although they take just 30 minutes, they optimize and maximize your workout time by getting your metabolism roaring at full throttle.

In fact, these workouts are the precise kind of High Intensity Resistance Training PROVEN in study after study to ignite your fat-burning metabolism and keep it fired up for DAYS afterward.

The key is… exercise that consumes more oxygen burns more calories.

That’s why INTENSITY is so very important – not how long you do it for.

So by combining resistance training with short rest intervals, intensity is MAXIMIZED.

And you don’t need to spend hours working out.

Just give me 30 minutes a day and I guarantee your rapid body redefinition WILL happen.

Because my program is the best way to burn more calories and torch more fat, you’ll build more long, lean muscle and get a better cardio workout.

Just look…

In my program, I lead you step by step through your choice of amazing full-body workouts…

You’ll work out right alongside Flo Rida and his label’s talented and lovely new artist Natalie LaRose, who had a recent top 10 hit with “Somebody.”

They’ll be doing each and every exercise right along with you.

Move Up to the Highest Levels of Fitness With My Ladder Principle

Flo Rida and Rachele Brooke Smith

Next I want to tell you about my unique training concept: The Ladder Principle. Our full-body workouts go rung by rung up and down your entire body…

Alternating opposing muscle groups to give you the most complete and effective full body workout possible…

And maximizing the all-important “after-burn effect”-- around-the-clock, even-while-you-sleep fat burning for up to 72 HOURS after your workout.

How is this possible?

Working your ENTIRE body up and down in this way with the LADDER PRINCIPLE gives you a combination of intense, body-shaping moves along with a heart-pumping cardio workout…

That dramatically raise your workout intensity…

In a way that exhausting, time-consuming cardio workouts can’t. .

And remember, as I just showed you, INTENSITY (not duration) is the secret when it comes to workout efficiency.

To effortlessly boost that intensity even further, every exercise is fluidly connected to the next with specially choreographed, low-intensity transitions I’ve designed to take full advantage of “transition time”…

By keeping your body at peak fat-burning level during the ENTIRE workout…

And for as long as possible afterward

Like when you’re rolling over onto your back, standing up and getting into position for the next movement…

Without you even realizing it, you’ll effortlessly add even more fuel to your metabolic fire and keep it burning longer and hotter.

I have to tell you: My Ladder Principle is one of the secrets behind FLO FIT’s big success and what makes it completely unlike anything else available today.

Turn Your Problem Areas Into Your Proudest Features

Fat-burning, muscle-building full-body workouts are only one of the ways Rapid Body Redefinition gives you EXACTLY the body you want.

Because if you’re like many of my clients, I’ll bet you’ve got specific areas you would like to focus on.

You know what I mean…

Those places that jump out at you when you see that photo of yourself at the beach that makes you cringe.

That’s why my FLO FIT program includes special 10 minute “High Def Express” workouts that target the exact areas of your body you want to change.

To enable you to create those sexy, well-defined muscles precisely where you want them…

And truly take your fitness, confidence, and the impression that you make to the next level.

For women, that means flat, beautiful abs, long, lean legs, perfectly shaped arms, a more lifted butt, and shoulders made for strapless tops and dresses.

And guys: Get ready for sleeve busting arms, an action hero chest, an end to scrawny “chicken legs,” and those magical 6-pack abs that women fantasize about.

Now THAT’S how you quickly remake your body – with Rapid Body Redefinition!

How to Eat What You Love and STILL Love How You Look and Feel Afterwards

Let’s talk about one of my favorite subjects: FOOD!

I’d love to be able to tell you – as many so-called “experts” do – that you can get rid of belly fat simply by doing ab exercises while you eat as much as you want of whatever you want whenever you want it.

But I’d be lying.

Fortunately, you don’t have to starve yourself – or deprive yourself of the foods you love.

You can enjoy what you eat, feel full and satisfied, and get in the shape you want – again, all thanks to Rapid Body Redefinition.

The FLO FIT program will tell you everything you need to know about nutrition to lose unwanted body fat as quickly and easily as possible.

I break down the entire process into easy-to-follow steps, then walk you through the precise formula for optimum, fat-burning, muscle enhancing nutrition…


And provide you with your own Personal Nutrition Worksheet to determine the optimal nutrition program for YOUR unique body…

The exact meals and snacks…

That will work in perfect sync with your FLO FIT workouts…

To best shed that unwanted weight and shape your body just the way you want it.

Just like celebrities, you get a personalized meal plan done just for you..

Just follow my step-by-step Personal Nutrition Worksheet and you’ll know precisely what to eat, how much and when.

It even tells you exactly how many calories to eat to achieve your goals, and when it’s perfectly ok to “cheat.”

In fact “cheating” is encouraged!

Everything You Need to Get in the Best Shape of Your Life

To put it simply: FLO FIT has everything you need to get in the best shape of your life. Here’s just some of what you’ll get when you take me up on my offer to start a risk-free trial of the amazing FLO FIT program:

You get your own Personal Trainer – Imagine what it will be like having me spell everything out for you, from each exercise rep to your daily snacks, just like you’re one of my celebrity clients.

No more frustration of trying to get in shape and eating properly. Just follow FLO FIT, it’s paint-by-the-numbers easy, and before you know it – a picture perfect you.

Next, you’ll finally be doing the right thing - No more worrying about whether you’re doing the RIGHT exercises or eating right. Because that’s what I’M here for: To show you exactly what will work to get you the results you want, coaching and motivating you every step of the way.

Maybe you’re worried about finding the time to work out? Well, guess what? If Flo can do it with his crazy schedule, YOU can do it too. No other form of exercise enables you to get better results in less time. All it takes is 30 minutes or less — right at home. Or anywhere you choose.

You’ll learn my “If You Hate it? Reshape it” Technique – You’ll love my ultra-quick 10 minute High Def Workouts which zero in on the body parts that we all fixate on, like fat abs and flabby arms. Those enviable features fitness magazines harp on and celebrities flaunt in photos can soon be yours.

Sick of staring at useless photos of celebrity workouts in magazines or searching through endless one-minute exercise videos on YouTube? FLO FIT provides you with the Perfect Mix of Hollywood-quality, full-length, real workouts. No more amateur clips and lame fitness apps. Just hit the play button and get ready to sweat.

Next, listen closely, this is important – FLOT FIT is designed for results – not for proving how tough you are. That’s why it works for young and old, and for people of all fitness levels. I’ve even included modified movements for every single exercise, meaning that regardless of your fitness level, literally ANYONE can do it.

Remember – FLO FIT workouts can be done anywhere – in your home, in a hotel, or wherever you have a little space. The videos can even be streamed on your computer, TV, tablet, or phone. All workouts, books and other tools are always at your fingertips. Want hard copies of the FLO FIT DVDs and books? We’ll ship them right to you.

You’ll Discover that fitness can be Paint-by-numbers simple – Personal training is about having your trainer take care of EVERYTHING for you – so I created the Rapid Body Redefinition Training Calendars.

Just follow our simple day-by-day workout schedule and Flo and I do the rest. In fact once you’ve done your first 8-week calendar, we’ll be waiting for you with two more FREE calendars because you’re never going to want to stop.

It’s as plug and play as fitness can get, like coming to my gym and walking away with your dream physique.

And next, let me introduce what may well be FLO FIT’S single most powerful tool: The FLO FIT Community. When you join FLO FIT, you won’t just have Flo and I cheering you on – you’ll have the support of thousands in the FLO FIT family!

And ALL of us are ready in the online forums to help and support you every step of the way, and give you any answers, advice or encouragement you need – sharing stories, photos and meal ideas. You’ll connect AND build lifetime friendships.

I can only touch on this briefly, but if performance is important to you, think of what a fit, in-shape body will mean for all aspects of your life. I’m talking about rock-star energy levels and stamina. Not that exhausted feeling you get from those insane, impossible, body-abusing workouts.

In short…

A great body.

Great performance in all aspects of your life.

Are you ready for that?

Because that’s what it’s all about with FLO FIT.

As Flo himself says…

"I really didn’t know I could feel this good or look this lean until I met Mike. He changed my whole view on working out. I had muscle before, but he’s got the secret to getting lean."



So who IS FLO FIT for?

It’s for you if you’re finally ready to leave behind the frustration and hopelessness of losing weight and getting (and staying) in shape.

And it’s for you if you believe, as I do, that pushing yourself little by little to go beyond your comfort zone can not only be enjoyable, inspiring, and motivating…

It can be the best, quickest and most direct way to get that body you’ve always wanted.

But you don’t have to take MY word for it. Here’s what my client Michelle, a psychiatrist from Southern California had to say:

“I saw my body AND my mind transforming. It’s incredible and I’m hooked!"

Another of my clients, Rudy from Los Angeles, sums up my approach very well:

“When I first started training, my goal was to lose weight and gain muscle. I exceeded all my expectations."

You’ll get...

FLO FIT has everything you need to complete the 8 Week Rapid Body Redefinition program, including:

8 weeks of Full-Body Workouts. Each of our sessions will be 30 minutes of serious workouts disguised as high-energy fun.

8 weeks of Full-Body Workouts

Next you get the 10 minute Hi-Def Workouts that target the areas we all obsess over. Like:

  • A sexy, well-defined, chest and back.
  • The perfect arms you’ve always wanted—whether you’re looking for lean and sculpted or big and powerful.
  • Killer shoulders that will turn heads from the club to the beach.
  • Amazing, envy-inducing abs! That killer butt and beautiful legs you crave.
10 minute Hi-Def Workouts

I’ve also included my informative and detailed Workout Guide so you can take full advantage of all my workout secrets. For example:

  • How to find Your Heart Rate Training Zone that makes maximum fat loss possible.
  • The simple body signal that says that you’re exercising correctly.
  • What you MUST do before – and after – every workout to make them much more effective.
Workout Guide

You also get three different step-by-step 8-Week Training Calendars – carefully created to ensure EVERYONE can get red carpet results from FLO FIT, regardless of age or fitness level.

step-by-step 8-Week Training Calendars

And finally you get my all-important Nutrition Guide. Follow my simple food guidelines and you’ll eat properly and drop pounds while you enjoy the foods you love.

    Here’s just a small taste of what’s included:
  • How to find the time to shop for, prepare, and eat the right foods
  • Your own Personal Nutrition Worksheet, where you’ll learn what the best nutrition program for YOUR body
  • How to figure out EXACTLY how many calories to eat to achieve your goals (too FEW is as bad as too many!)
Nutrition Guide

So if you’re ready to take on the FLO FIT challenge, let’s get started. All it takes is one click and everything you’ve seen today is yours – IMMEDIATELY!

Celebrity-Level Training For Pennies a Day

With everything I’ve covered during this presentation, I don’t blame you if you’re thinking that a system like FLO FIT should be very expensive.

After all, most people would be willing to pay just about anything for a program that truly delivers mind-blowing results.

Here in LA, according to the Hollywood Reporter, top trainers have been reported to charge $3,600 for just 24 classes!

That’s $150 an hour!

But I don’t want price to stand between you and the body you’ve always wanted.

So here’s how to get me as your personal trainer, the entire library of FLO FIT workouts, and all of the incredible tools I’ve shown you today, for a tiny fraction of that cost – for much less than even one hour of personal training.

Our goal – Flo’s and mine – is to build a community of a hundred thousand successful people like you who can testify to the transformational benefits of FLO FIT…

Because I don’t think you should have to be a celebrity to get all the help and advice it takes to get you to the level of health and fitness you desire and deserve.

Building this community is why I want to make your decision to try FLO FIT not only one of the best but also one of the EASIEST decisions you’ll ever make.

Flo Fit photos from video
Mike Saffaie & Flo Rida

And that’s why, even though the total value of the FLO FIT system and everything that comes with it is literally hundreds of dollars, you won’t pay anything close to that.

We typically offer immediate access to everything I’ve shown you today for a special discounted price of only $79.

And believe me, it’s a steal at that price.

Because as I said, Flo and I want to build an army of successful FLO FIT enthusiasts. And we want to do it quickly…

Because we have a big goal of 100,000 lives transformed in the next two years, and we want YOU to be a part of our mission.

That’s why we’re going to do TWO things right here – right now – to make your decision today even easier.

First, because you’ve invested your time to watch this entire presentation and learn about FLO FIT, we will cut your price in HALF.

That’s right: If you act quickly, today FLO FIT can be yours just minutes from now for only $37.

And second, I’m going to pile on some FREE gifts that I’m sure you’re going to LOVE:

Your 3 FREE Gifts!

FREE Gift #1

Free One Month Membership to Platinum Club

FLO FITT Platinum Club GIFT

Your first gift if you start today is a FREE one-month membership in our private FLO FIT Platinum Club.

This is like getting a celebrity “backstage pass” into Flo’s world of exclusive celebrity fitness – your ticket to the quickest, most direct and most enjoyable journey to all your fitness goals.

The Platinum Club is where you’ll find:
  • Personal videos from me and Flo that will help inspire and motivate you
  • Super-exclusive content and insider tips to help you get the best results possible
  • Special, brand-new bonus FLO FIT workouts for Platinum Club members ONLY
  • Additional FLO FIT meals, recipes and nutrition books
  • Coaching calls where YOU’LL have a chance to ask me questions
  • And complete access to a supplement-ingredient database that the pros themselves use.

This is a 75 dollar value. But it’s yours FREE if you act right now.

FREE Gift #2

Full-Body Extreme Workout

I think you’re going to be VERY excited about your NEXT free gift.

Especially if you’re the kind of person who likes to go “all out”.

It’s our “Full Body Extreme” workout DVD – 30 minutes packed with brand new, hard-charging exercises that will get your blood going, your muscle toning, and your metabolism roaring.

You’ll push your conditioning to the max as you work your way up and down the ladder in this intense body circuit.

When you’re ready to blast past your limitations and supercharge your weight loss and muscle shaping, THIS is the video you want to be playing.

And it’s yours FREE if you act today.

FREE Gift #3

Two Crucial Keys to Your Best Workouts Ever

Your third FREE gift will enable you to get the absolute most out of your workouts and recoveries.

It consists of two additional videos: A 10-minute warm-up video and a 10-minute cool-down video.

Look, this may sound obvious, but warming up and cooling down are some of the most overlooked and misunderstood aspects of working out.

But not for you – not any more.

Whether you’re a beginner or more advanced you need to give a little extra attention to that all-important preparation or recovery…

These two little videos are just one more way to make sure you have everything you need for the perfect FLO FIT experience that’s exactly right for you.

Get Access To Everything RIGHT NOW… Totally Risk FREE!

Part of you may still be wondering: “Will FLO FIT REALLY work for me?”

So let me take that concern away right now with a 60 Day, no risk money back guarantee.

Flo and I promise that after completing our 8-Week Rapid Body Redefinition program, you (and everyone who knows you) will MARVEL at the results you’ve been able to achieve in such a short amount of time.

Or we send your money right back to you, no questions asked.

Flo and I don’t want you to feel one single iota of risk.

We refuse to keep your money if FLO FIT doesn’t work for you, or you’re unhappy in any way.

And we don’t want anything at all to stand between you and your red carpet body

Flo Rida Guarantee

Just 8 Short Weeks to YOUR Celebrity Body… GUARANTEED

You’re about to take a step that will change your life in more ways than you can even imagine.

Think of what it will be like to head down a path right now that will take you all the way to the beach-ready body, the good health, the confidence, and the life you’ve always wanted.

Imagine what it will be like as that unwanted fat begins to disappear…

As your muscles rapidly acquire shape and definition…

And as your body begins to transform itself from tired and out-of-shape to energized and rock hard.

Think of what it will be like to have people look at you, envious of your beautiful body.

And last but not least, imagine how much more confident you’ll be with a stronger, healthier, knock-out body. And celebrity-level confidence!

Well, my new friend, that time starts right now, and it’s only a click away.

A single click that takes you on a path AWAY from broken vows to yourself…

Rachele Brooke Smith Selfie

AWAY from fitness fads that never live up to their promises…

AWAY from feeling embarrassed about your body…

And TOWARD a new life of fitness, health and feeling GREAT about yourself.

So what will it be?

Will you continue along the path that has gotten you nowhere – that has only served to get you further and further out of shape?

Will you continue to search among the millions of exercise videos on YouTube and all the contradictory nutrition on the Internet hoping to piece together something that works on your own?

Or will you do what celebrities do, get yourself a trainer and the inside knowledge you need…

And join me and Flo and all those who have discovered a BETTER way to finally get the body, the health, and the life they’ve always wanted

Together, let’s start your rapid body redefinition, right now.

Flo and I can’t wait to hear how you feel, RIGHT after your very first workout.

Yours for Great Health and Fitness,

Mike Saffaie Mike Saffaie, IFBB


Best Value

Get BothDigital Streaming and Online Access PLUS DVDs and Books Shipped

The entire FLO FIT program shipped to you as well as LIFETIME online access. This is a single, one-time payment. FREE SHIPPING

Digital Streaming



One-Time Payment

Try FLO FIT For FREE7 Day Online Trial

For 7 full days you get access to the entire FLO FIT program for FREE. You pay nothing – no money down and no strings attached. Love it? Only 4.95/mo to continue.
Cancel or UPGRADE anytime with just "2 clicks"…

Digital Streaming

Only $4.95/mo


Digital Streamingand Online Access

Streaming workout videos and online access to the entire FLO FIT program.
This is a single, one-time payment for LIFETIME access.

Digital Streaming



One-Time Payment

Try FLO FIT For FREE7 Day Online Trial

For 7 full days you get access to the entire FLO FIT program for FREE. You pay nothing – no money down and no strings attached. Love it? Only 4.95/mo to continue.
Cancel or UPGRADE anytime with just "2 clicks"…

Digital Streaming

Only $4.95/mo

Best Value

Get BothDigital Streaming and Online Access PLUS DVDs and Books Shipped

The entire FLO FIT program sent to your front door (ships within 48 hours) as well as
LIFETIME online access. This is a single,
one-time payment. FREE SHIPPING

Digital Streaming



One-Time Payment

P.S. Just thought you might like to see a few more comments for FLO FIT users to help you decide…

Down 15 Pounds

“When I started FLO FIT I had very little muscle definition and had excess fat on my waistline, chest and arms.

“After 8 weeks I was down 15 pounds and had more upper body definition than ever.*

“I truly believe in this program.”

— Steve Layne

Loves being able to shop for “regular” sized clothing

“My goal was to get into better shape and lose weight.

“Today I feel like I’m in the best shape of my life. I’ve definitely exceeded my initial goals. I now enjoy working out and feel good about myself because I can do things like run and do pull-ups, which I couldn’t do before.

“It’s a great confidence boost to be able to shop where they sell “regular” sized clothing.”

— John

Exceeded all expectations

“When I started training with Mike, my goal was to lose weight and to gain stamina, endurance and muscle.

“I exceeded all my expectations.

“Mike is different because to him, getting you in the best shape of your life is PERSONAL.”

— Honorable Rudy Svorinich, Jr., President Pro Tempore of the Los Angeles City Council

Looking great and loving self more

“My goal was to look great. And I’ve done just that with Mike.

“My confidence level went up. I started to love myself more.

“Now I feel confident to help and support those who seek help on health and fitness.”

— Sung Lee