“Take that picture down RIGHT NOW!

It was the worst, most embarrassing day of Jen’s life.

The day all her shame, anger and FRUSTRATION finally came bursting out.

Frankly, she was mortified.

Jen knew she had been putting on weight and getting flabby in certain places...

She had started avoiding tight-fitting clothes and bathing suits...

Wearing stretchy jeans and Spanx and trying to smooth out her growing “muffin top”...

Making herself scarce when the cameras came out with friends and family (or positioning herself at such an angle that she prayed no one could tell)...

And living in fear of someone asking that dreaded question:

“Are you PREGNANT? You seem to be showing a bit.”

But then a friend posted “that horrible picture” on Facebook for everyone to see.

A picture she hadn’t even known was being taken...

A picture that showed everyone EXACTLY how much she had “let herself go”—you could so clearly see her double chin, flabby arms and belly pooch...

A picture that she felt, in short, broadcast the fact that she was struggling with weight issues to the ENTIRE WORLD.

And so when she got her friend on the phone, Jen lost it.

At first, her rage focused on her friend for not even asking permission to post the photo—especially the one where she looked so bad.

Yet secretly she was also furious at herself for letting her body get to this point.

She felt so inadequate and utterly HELPLESS.

And that’s how she found herself on the phone humiliated and begging her friend to “take down that photo.”

After she had calmed down a bit, her next call was to me.

Mike calling...

“Mike,” she said, “I can’t take it anymore!”

Her frustration spilled out as she went on about all the things she had done to try and lose all her unwanted weight. Everything that hadn’t worked— and the things that worked a little in the beginning but didn’t last.

She raged about the “popular” diets: Paleo, gluten-free, sugar-free, dairy-free, carb-free.

None of them had worked for her.

They were either too complicated, too flavorless or too low-calorie stick with long term.

Then she gave me a blow-by-blow of all the workouts she had tried: dance workouts, booty-shaping routines, and even those insane hardcore fitness programs that seem to feel that beating you up is the best way to motivate you.

She had tried every diet trick under the sun, from hot lemon water and cayenne pepper drinks to oil pulling (don’t ask) and even juice fasting for huge parts of the day.

She had even tried the dangerous, organ squeezing “waist trainers” popularized by some of America’s biggest celebrities.

Nothing helped her lose weight, or keep it off.

I had been telling Jen for years that she needed to take a SMARTER approach...

To work WITH her body and her metabolism rather than against them....

And to stop jumping on the latest “wallet draining” fad diet or workout hoping that it would finally be THE answer.

Jen was in trouble—not only had she finally hit a brick wall—I sensed she was in real danger of totally giving up on ever getting in shape...


Jen was like so many of the people you see every day.

She had exhausted herself to find some way to lose weight, get in shape, and—most of all—take back control of her life.

But all her efforts the end only led to her realization that nothing worked for her. And nothing WAS likely to work for her. She felt like a complete failure.

And the biggest irony of all was:

It wasn’t even her fault!

When she finally finished she said

“Mike you’re my last hope.”

That’s why It made me absolutely heartbroken to listen to her, and I’ll tell you why.

Map point to star

I had known Jen for years.

I’m a pretty “in demand” fitness transformation coach to executives, pro athletes and celebrities, and I knew exactly what she needed in order to find real long-term success, and I couldn’t help Jen.

We used to be neighbors in LA until she moved east, so there was no way she could train with me in person.

I knew long-distance coaching—wasn’t going to do it.,

That it would only be yet another “Band-Aid” solution for her.

She needed me to meet her at the gym a few mornings a week to create a customized plan just for her, and to work with her, by her side, encouraging her every effort.

Like I had so many times before for thousands of other Jens...

I knew I could help her overcome her feelings of helplessness, frustration and anger.

I knew I could help her achieve her picture-perfect body and get her the results she always wanted.

But because of the distance, that just wasn’t going to happen.

The next day I was talking to one of celebrity clients after a workout:

The international pop music star Flo Rida.


Even if you haven’t heard of him, you’ve probably heard his mega-hits playing somewhere, like “Sometimes I Get a Good Feeling.”

Or seen him appear and perform on The Today Show as well as on The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon.

He’s sold 80 million singles, and has a boatload of Grammy nominations.

Anyway, I told him about Jen and the photo.

And I told him how upset I was that Jen was now too far away for me to work with her.

But Flo got this look in his eye – like he gets when he comes up with a hook for a new hit song.

“Mike,” he said to me, “I’ve got an idea.”

Mike and Flo Rida

Flo started by saying that he knew personally that MANY people need my help...

That, in fact, how to “get fit” is the number one question he gets asked on social media!

And he confessed that these days, now that I’ve gotten him in what he calls “the best shape of his life,” he actually kind of LIKES having his picture taken. And showing off his body onstage and off.

Muscle & Fitness Flo Rida

So Flo says to me

“Mike, everybody needs what you’ve got

– So let’s give it to them.”

Flo refused to accept that distance was a problem at all.

After all, HE’S in thousands of people’s homes every day.

So he saw no reason I couldn’t be as well.

And the next thing I know he’s arranging to have his production company record me doing workouts and explaining how to lose weight and get in shape by outsmarting your metabolism.

In short - Everything I had taught him.

He even insisted that HE be in the videos with me to make sure they’re fun and exciting as a way to give back to the fans who made him who he is today.

And that we make it all digital, so people can watch them anytime they want—from anywhere they want.

No more excuses!

Flo Rida
Muscle & Fitness Flo Rida

I had an opportunity to bring my teaching and inspiration to more people in a way that could be as good as—or even better—than in person.

I realized that Flo might very well be onto something!

And I’ll tell you more about what we came up with in a moment.

But first...

If you’ve been struggling to get in shape...

Or even if you feel the problem is that you HAVEN’T been struggling enough...

Then you’re going to want to listen very closely to this short presentation.

Because I’m going to reveal the REAL REASON you’ve been unable to lose weight and get in shape...

And how to finally blast right through it...

On your way to that beautiful body you’ve always wanted.

But first, I think an introduction is in order.

I’m Mike Saffaie.

And I think that what’s most important for you to know about me is simply this: I’ve done it.

Mike with photos

I learned from the best about how to tone and train my body.

I learned about using only natural methods, and I built myself up to be good enough to achieve IBFF Pro status, the most prestigious bodybuilding designation in the world—the same one that made Arnold Schwarzenegger famous.

These days, I’m committed to building OTHER people’s bodies—enabling them to lose and keep off stubborn fat and pack their bodies with lean, beautiful muscle.

That’s how I’ve taken Flo to the best shape of his life...and thousands of other men and women as well.

And I’ve done it not by pushing or berating people into doing exhausting workouts and never exercises that could potentially hurt you.

Not by making people live on tofu and lemon water...

But simply by getting rid of the metabolic obstacles that were keeping them from realizing their full fitness potential.

Fitness is not only my profession, it’s my life, it’s my passion.

It’s one of the main reasons Flo and I worked so well together, since he’s one of the most passionate people I’ve ever met.

And no doubt why he chose me to train him.

I’ve helped so many people—from celebrities like Flo to professional athletes to people just like you—to look AND feel great.

Maybe you’ll be next.

Why not get started right now—by looking at exactly what’s been holding you back from the body you want and deserve?

Look, you wouldn’t be here if you weren’t at least a little (or maybe a LOT) dissatisfied with the shape you’re in...

A little bit unhappy with how you’re feeling these days...

And wanting to change that body you see when you look in the mirror or at photos taken by your family and friends.

But here’s the good news.

I believe I can tell you right here and now why you’re in this predicament (and how to get out of it).

It has nothing to do with lack of “willpower” or anything else you may have been told.

It’s because of something quite tangible that you don’t have.

It’s all because... You don’t have a personal trainer. Wait... hear me out on this!

Think about it: Why do you think 99 out of 100 of those Hollywood stars you see performing onstage, or in the movies and on TV, are in such great shape?

They have personal trainers who come to their houses and make SURE they get and stay in shape.

I know because that’s my job. I know that as personal trainers, we motivate those celebrities... Inspire them. Educate them. Create a plan that’s exactly right for them and make sure they stick to it.

Let’s face it, if I were to show up at your door at 8 in the morning, you are GOING to work out.

You are GOING to get (and STAY) in shape.

No ifs, ands or saggy butts about it!

“But Mike,” you say, “I’m not a big star, and I can’t afford a personal trainer.” Ah, but you’re wrong on two counts.

First, you are the star—of your very own reality show: your life!

Second, you CAN easily afford my help. And I’m very excited to tell you how.

Flo Rida

The kind of work out Flo wanted—indeed, required—is fun,high energy and exciting...

Just like his music and his performances!

And THAT’S what really gets and keeps FLO going.

Flo Rida

That kind of positive energy.

And THAT’S what I believe yields the best results for ANYONE.

So I knew that any program I created for people to do at home not only had to achieve maximum results in minimum time—it had to be a fun, exciting, super-positive, highly-motivating workout.

I found the answer to all these challenges in Flo’s concept of the “Perfect Mix.”

That Perfect Mix is how Flo creates hit after hit.

Which got me to thinking...

Ultimate fitness requires a perfect mix of elements, too.

And your perfect FITNESS mix is how you’ll create the hit body you’ve always wanted—by mixing all the right elements in all the right ways.

Once you get YOUR “perfect mix”...

(And I’ll show you how to get it in a minute)

Flo Rida

Everything clicks into place. Barriers fall.

What was impossible becomes possible.

Stubborn weight flows off like water and well-defined muscles develop and emerge.

Because when it comes to fitness, the perfect mix, first of all, means the right mix of both movement and nutrition.

Now, as you’ll see shortly, I don’t mean depriving yourself of the foods you love and forcing yourself through boring, time-consuming exercises.

I mean a perfect mix of smart, enjoyable eating... and fun, time-efficient exercise.

Now, HOW do you create your “perfect mix” fitness program?

It’s WAY easier than you think.

Because thanks to Flo, the same techniques that were so successful in getting him into the best shape of his life are now available for YOU to benefit from.

And the best part of all? I can be right there with you.

I designed this program to be absolutely state of the art in terms of what we know about exercise science...

Combined with what I’ve learned over decades of training myself and others.

I’ve personally tested it out on my clients at the gym where I teach.

We’ve even done a limited test release of a do-it-at-home program.

In both cases, the results people have been getting have been phenomenal.

Now we’re ready to release FLO FIT to the world, and you’re invited to be a part of it.

It all starts with five 30-minute

full-body workouts that will shape and strengthen your entire body.

FLO FIT training graph

Although they take a mere 30 minutes, they will optimize and maximize your workout time by getting your metabolism roaring at full throttle.

In fact, these workouts are the precise kind of exercise PROVEN in study after study to ignite your fat-burning metabolism and keep it fired up for DAYS afterward.

See how it gives you better cardio, better muscle building, and better calorie burning?

Each one gives your whole body the workout it needs with the Perfect Mix of high-intensity strength training and interval cardio to torch fat and build long, lean muscle.

And each one has a slightly different focus because it’s all about creating YOUR Perfect Mix.

FLO group

You’ll get...

A Full Body Definition Workout that will blast your entire body with high-intensity full-body circuit training that’s specially designed to destroy fat.


A Lower Body Definition Workout. If your legs aren’t burning after this one, you’re doing it wrong!


Next up is what we call Full Body Explosive Power to give you high-powered energy! This is the workout that keeps Flo Rida jumping around onstage longer than anyone else for his entire show.


The Arm Definition Workout builds long, lean, muscular arms while also destroying fat.


And your Core Definition workout focuses on your entire, all-important core—which is key to getting you those tight, trim abs you’ve been looking for.


Using my unique Ladder Principle, in these full-body workouts we’ll go up and down your entire body, alternating opposing muscle groups for maximum effectiveness.

Flo Rida

These sessions are a quick 30 minutes of serious, take-it-to-the-max workouts disguised as high-energy fun.

But what I think you’ll really LOVE about them is that they stoke your metabolism—and keep it running at full fat-burning blast for days afterward.

How is this possible?

By mixing it up with a combination of intense, body-shaping resistance-based moves...

And heart-pumping cardio and calisthenics.

What’s more, carefully choreographed, low-intensity transitions between exercises means that even as you’re rolling over onto your back, standing up and getting into position for the next set...

Without you even realizing it, these transitions will help your body discover how to move more efficiently and gracefully—and at the same time throw even more fuel on your metabolic fire so that it will continue to burn for hours afterward.

Not to be immodest, but I’d be remiss if I didn’t emphasize that FLO FIT is a REVOLUTIONARY new way to work out that’s head and shoulders above anything else out there right now.

Full body workouts are more than enough for some people.

Especially when, like FLO FIT, it really works.

But if you’re like most of the people I work with, I’ll bet you’ve also got specific areas you would like to focus on.

So you can look good from EVERY angle.

You know what I mean: those places that jump out at you when you see that photo of yourself at the beach, and you go: “Oh, no, look at my...”

That’s why the program I created with Flo also includes five quick target training workouts (also known as “high def” workouts).

Our High-Def training helps you create beautiful, well-defined muscles in those annoying problem areas, thanks to highly focused ISOMETRIC movements.

These movements isolate and tense the muscles instead of contracting them—so no joint movement is involved, and it’s almost effortless.

This is a huge secret I’m letting you in on:
For the most effective results, it’s about TENSING muscles—not straining them by lifting heavy weights.

This enables you to add extra strength, agility, and flexibility, as well as definition.

For women, that means flat, beautiful abs; long, lean legs, shapely arms; a more lifted butt; and shoulders made for strapless garments

And men — can I interest you in sleeve busting arms, an action hero chest, an end to scrawny “chicken legs,” and those 6-pack abs that are so envied that everyone adores.

And as I mentioned earlier, studies show that this combination of high-intensity training combined with basic full-body workouts is the BEST way to maximize your results.

What’s more, it allows you to truly design YOUR perfect mix—isolating and fixing your problem areas—the ones you know need the most attention...

And truly taking your fitness to the next level.

It’s easy to find time for these super-quick 10-minute High Def Express workouts.

You get 5 of them that will enable you to...


Build a well-defined, balanced chest and back and get perfect posture (VERY sexy!).


Give you those perfect arms you’ve always wanted— whether you’re looking for lean and sculpted or big and powerful.


Build killer shoulders that will turn heads from the club to the beach.


Create amazing, envy-inducing abs!


Sculpt that killer butt and beautiful legs you crave.


FLO FIT is a lot more than great body-reshaping workouts.

FLO FIT Workout Guilde

To be sure you get the advice and understanding you’ll need to succeed, I’ve prepared an informative 43-page Workout Guide.

In it, you’ll discover why FLO FIT is the perfect mix that gets you lean and ripped...

And exactly why, if you want to look good from every angle and feel better than ever, this is the program for you.

With its integrated approach to fitness and nutrition, you’ll be able to achieve the body you want ––lean and strong with outstanding definition.

From the beach to the club, to walking down the street, whether you want to lose weight or build muscle, this program was made for you.

And here’s a small sample of what you get in this guide:

  • The secrets of the life-changing FLO FIT philosophy
  • Your Heart Rate Training Zone Guide that will enable you to keep your exertion level right in the sweet spot
  • Flo’s secret to getting maximum impact from his workouts in the shortest time
  • The secret to burning fat quickly—and KEEPING your body in an elevated fat-loss state throughout the day
  • The “beautiful strength” exercises the ancient Greeks used to create statuesque physiques using only your bodyweight
  • Unless you follow the advice on page 13, even the best exercise program in the world is a complete waste of time
  • The best way to motivate yourself for maximum effort and results so you’ll never have to “force yourself” to work out again
  • The simple body signal that tells you that you’re exercising correctly
  • What you MUST do before—and after—every workout to prevent injury AND make your workouts more effective (NOT stretching)

Plus... three step-by-step 8-week Fitness Calendars (Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced) that tell you exactly which workout to do on each day. As plug and play as fitness can get!

After you learn all of this, you’ll know more about fitness than most so-called TRAINERS!

Now let’s talk about one of my favorite subjects: FOOD!

Nutrition Guilde

Did you know that most people think you can get rid of belly fat simply by doing ab exercises?

How I wish that were true.

But unfortunately, abs are made in the kitchen

But here’s the good news:

You don’t have to starve yourself or deprive yourself of the foods you love.

The detailed Nutrition guide that comes with your FLO FIT program reveals everything you need to know about nutrition so you can lose unwanted body fat as quickly and easily as possible...

Without eating like a rabbit!

We’ll break down the entire process into easy-to-follow steps, walk you through the precise formula for optimal nutrition...

And provide you with your own Personal Nutrition Worksheet, so you can determine the optimal nutrition program for YOUR body—and use it to shed that unwanted weight.

Listen, the truth is that you MUST know how much to eat and what to eat—whether you want to just get in shape or get absolutely shredded.

Anyone who tells you differently is lying to your face.

And this is where FLO FIT’s perfect mix will help you lose weight, build muscle, increase endurance, and even help the body repair itself...

Without starving yourself or giving up the foods you love.

Look, in a way it’s easy to tell what foods are healthy for you to eat and which are not.

Of course, you want to nourish your body by eating whole, healthy foods and avoid foods that are over-processed and filled with empty calories and artificial additives.

But sometimes it’s not so obvious. And that’s where you can definitely get into trouble.

That’s why everything that you need to know, including exact meals and snacks that work in sync with your FLO FIT workouts, is included in this guide.

Simply follow these guidelines to feel stronger, look healthier, sleep better and recover faster.

For example:

  • How to find the time to shop for, prepare, and eat the right foods
  • Your Personal Nutrition Worksheet, where you’ll find out what the optimal nutrition program is for YOUR body
  • How to figure out EXACTLY how many calories you must eat to achieve your fitness goals (too FEW is as bad as too many!)
  • When it’s perfectly OK to “cheat” with an extra snack—in fact, it’s ENCOURAGED
  • How to TIME your meals with your workouts for maximum performance and results
  • An exciting new way to measure the true value of foods. This insight will change the way you look at food forever
  • The 3 things you must eat at EVERY meal for sustained energy, balanced blood sugar, prevention of hunger pangs, and to maximize your workouts and recovery
  • Why you should NOT eliminate carbs (see page 23 to find out when you should eat MORE!)
  • Why you shouldn’t eliminate fat either. Instead, just say “yes” to the healthy, delicious fats on page 20.
  • A quick and easy way to get rid of toxins—without crazy detox diets or regimes
  • The #1 food to avoid (and it’s NOT sugar)

So if you’re ready to take on the Perfect Mix challenge, let’s get started and NEVER LOOK BACK on the road to achieving the platinum body you want.

Imagine what it will be like to have your own personal trainer — with a program that will get you in the best shape of your life.

No way am I going to let you down! Or let you let yourself down.

Flo Rida

As you become leaner...

As your muscles become more toned...

And instead of dreading the camera you’re confident and SMILING for that group photo you know is going straight to Facebook or Instagram.

Got any doubts?

Maybe you’re worried about finding the time to work out?

No problem.

If Flo can do it with his crazy schedule, YOU can do it.

Because FLO FIT is designed to be done ANYWHERE, and to give you the best results in the shortest time.

We’ll set up a program together that’s exactly right for you. You’ll know exactly what to do, every day of the week.

Just as if I were coming right to your house.

Worried about doing the RIGHT exercises?

That’s what I’m here for—to show you exactly what will work to get you the results you want, coaching you every step of the way. It’s like “set it and forget it.”

Worried about motivation?

Look, we ALL have days where we don’t feel like exercising.

But all you have to do now is follow the 5 minutes rule.

I promise you that if you simply put on a FLO FIT video for only 5 short minutes, motivation will no longer be an issue—we’ll have you up and moving around in no time.

Because you can’t help but soak in the get-you-off-the-couch energy that Flo and I bring.

In short, you CAN do this. Together, we WILL do this.

Look, for Flo and maybe for you as well, it’s all about PERFORMANCE.

Whether you’re performing like Flo in front of millions...

Or you just want to perform better in every aspect of your life: personally and professionally.

Even, dare I say, in the bedroom.

I’m talking about rock-star energy levels and stamina.

Not that exhausted feeling you get from those insane impossible, body-abusing workouts.

Instead, a workout like FLO FIT can do more than increase your energy levels. Research shows that it can also...

Sharpen your focus...

Put you in a better mood...

Improve your memory...

Control your weight (of course)...

And give you better impulse control (and you know how important THAT is!).

A workout like FLO FIT can even fight disease. (And, of course, being sick can really put a damper on ANY kind of performance!)

Looks... health... performance.

They all depend on getting and staying in shape.

And there’s never been a better, more effective way to do that than with FLO FIT.

No other form of exercise enables you to get better results in less time.

That’s because FLO FIT takes advantage of the best of so many types of exercise...

And even takes advantage of the lower-intensity intervals and transition time BETWEEN exercises.

So all it takes is 30 minutes—right at home.

Consider that for some people, 30 minutes is how long it takes to get to the gym and back—never mind all the time they spend AT the gym sweating with a bunch of complete strangers.

That means that if it takes you a half hour to get to the gym, and you spend an hour there, doing FLO FIT instead could give you an extra hour a day!

FLO FIT isn’t for everyone.

For example, it’s not for you if you’re looking for a quick and easy, no-sweat way to lose weight and get in shape or some low-intensity dance class that you can do in your sleep.

I’ve never found anything “quick and easy” that actually works to get your body in shape—and believe me I see about every program and fad that comes out.

Mike & Flo Rida

With FLO FIT, you WILL sweat.It won’t be “easy”. You’ll have to BURN it to earn it.

But Flo and I promise: You CAN do it! And with FLO FIT, you’ll enjoy every minute it.

Now here’s another reason FLO FIT might not be for you...

If you believe that exercise isn’t really doing anything unless it’s painful and you’re

always one misstep away from putting yourself out of commission.

I see that happen all the time with those “insane,” push-yourself-to-the-limit-and-beyond

gyms and programs you see on TV.

Trust me, you don’t have to do that to get the results you’re looking for.

Who IS FLO FIT for then?

It’s for you if you’re willing to put in a little effort to finally burn away fat, lose the weight, and get in your optimum physical shape.

It’s for you whether you’re a seasoned fitness buff or a stay-at-home mom looking to get back into shape—as long as you’re SERIOUS about it.

It’s for you if you want everything you need to build muscle, lose weight and get in incredible shape neatly packaged together in

a program that will get results in as little as 8 weeks.

And it’s for you if you believe, as I do, that pushing yourself little by little to go beyond your comfort zone can be enjoyable,

inspiring, and motivating...

And that it can be the best, quickest and most direct way to get that body you’ve always wanted.

But you don’t have to take MY word on that!

The feedback we’ve been getting on this program is amazing!

For example,here’s what Michelle, a psychiatrist from California had to say:

“I’m hooked!”

“Although I often recommend exercise to my patients, I had trouble sticking with an exercise regimen myself.

“The biggest challenge for me in the past was becoming bored. But Mike’s approach is NEVER boring.

“I saw my body AND my mind transforming.

“It’s incredible and I’m hooked!

“He keeps it simple, playful, fun and incredibly rewarding.”

And here’s what Oliver, a 41 year-old from Ladner, British Columbia says…

“Lost 20 Pounds!”

“You won’t believe how easy FLO FIT is to follow and how enjoyable the workouts are.

“I got results immediately and lost 20 pounds during the 8-week program.

“The workouts are all 30 minutes or less, so I was always able to make time to get them done. Mike Saffaie will keep you motivated! He’s an amazing trainer.”

With results like that, I don’t blame you if you’re thinking that a system like FLO FIT should be very expensive.

After all, most people would be willing to pay just about anything for a program that truly works to enable you to lose the weight you’ve always wanted...

And transform your body into beautiful, picture-perfect ready shape.

Here in LA, according to the Hollywood Reporter, top trainers have been reported to charge $3,600 for 24 classes.

Also, according to Hollywood Reporter – boutique Hollywood Trainers have been reported to charge $3,600 for 24 classes!

But I don’t want price to stand between you and the body you’ve always wanted.

So here’s how to get me for a tiny fraction of that cost—for much less than even an hour of that kind of training.

Because our goal— Flo’s and mine —is quite literally to build a community of a hundred thousand32 successful people like you who can testify to the transformational benefits of FLO FIT...

And who are ready to help others in their journey to physical fitness.

Because I never want anyone to feel like they are alone or without help on the path to health and fitness.

Building this community is why I want to make your decision to try FLO FIT not only one of the best but one of the EASIEST decisions you’ll ever make.

That’s why, although the total value of the FLO FIT system and everything that comes with it is literally hundreds of dollars, you won’t pay anything close to that.

We immediate access right now to the entire system for a special discounted price of only $79.

And believe me, it’s a steal at that price.

Because as I said, Flo and I want to build our community of successful FLO FIT enthusiasts. And we want to do it quickly.

That’s why we’re going to do TWO things right here—right now—to make your decision today as easy as asking for vanilla ice cream instead of chocolate.

First, because you’ve invested your time to watch this entire presentation and learn about FLO FIT,we will cut your price in HALF.

That’s right: If you act quickly, today FLO FIT can be yours just minutes from now for only $37.

And second, I’m going to pile on some FREE gifts that I’m sure you’re going to LOVE if you’re at all serious about finally getting in shape.

Bonus #1 – Community


Your first gift is exclusive entrée into that community I mentioned of FLO FIT enthusiasts.

You see, when you join Flo and me in FLO FIT, you won’t just have the two of us helping and cheering you on—you’ll have the support of thousands!

Because our online FLO Forum is the ultimate support network!

Many, like you, are just starting out with FLO FIT.

Others have been where you are today but are now well on their way to achieving the bodies they’ve always wanted.

ALL of them are ready to help and support you every step of the way in your transformation, and give you any answers, advice or encouragement you need...

And help you put together your Perfect Fitness Mix.

It’s where YOU will share YOUR support for others, your goals, photos, knowledge and achievements.

In fact, I’m constantly hearing about lifelong friendships groups and people arranging special fun trips together (Flo-cations), and so much more!

Plus... get started today and we’ll ALSO give you a FREE one-month membership in our private Platinum Club.

This is like getting a “backstage pass” into Flo’s fitness world of exclusive celebrity fitness — your ticket to the quickest, most direct and most enjoyable journey to all your fitness goals.

Platinum Club

The Platinum Club is where you’ll find:

  • Videos from me and Flo that will help inspire and motivate
  • Super-exclusive content and insider tips to help you get the best results possible
  • Special, brand-new bonus workouts from me and Flo that can be added to your FLO FIT training calendar to further customize your mix
  • Additional FLO FIT meals, recipes and nutrition tips
  • Coaching calls where YOU’LL have a chance to ask questions

Of course, I’m your trainer and will be there to help you individually, to join you on coaching calls, to answer your questions, to motivate you as you move toward your goals, and to share the joy of your successes.

This is a 75 dollar value. But it’s yours FREE if you act right now.

Bonus #2 – Full Body Extreme DVD

Bonus #2 Full Body Extreme DVD

I think you’re going to be especially excited about your NEXT free gift.

Especially if you’re the kind of person who likes to occasionally add going “all out” to their mix.

It’s our “Full Body Extreme” workout DVD—30 minutes packed with brand new, hard-charging exercises that will get your blood going, your muscle toning, and your metabolism roaring,

You’ll push your conditioning to the max as you work your way up and down the ladder in this intense body circuit.

When you’re ready to blast past your limitations and supercharge your weight loss and muscle shaping, THIS is the video you want to be playing.

Bonus #3 – Warmups and Stretches

Bonus #3 – Warmups and Stretches

Your third FREE gift will enable you to get the absolute most out of your workouts and recoveries.

It consists of two videos: A 10-minute warm-up video and a 10-minute cool-down video.

These are ideal whether you’re a beginner and need a little extra time to warm up or cool down...

Or you’re more advanced and like to give a little extra attention to preparation or recovery.

It’s one more way we want to be sure you have everything you need to create the perfect FLO FIT fitness mix that’s exactly right for you.

Still, I bet part of you is wondering:

“Will FLO FIT REALLY work for me?”

So let me take that concern away right now with a DOUBLE guarantee.

Here’s the first guarantee: Flo and my personal promise that after only 8 weeks, you’ll be able to achieve the results you’ve always wanted.

Or we send your money right back to you.

But I said DOUBLE guarantee.

So guarantee number two is this...

Regardless of your results, you must be absolutely thrilled with the FLO FIT program...

Or you can request your money back and we’ll send it right to you, no questions asked.

Flo Rida 100% Guarantee

For any reason. Or no reason at all.

Even if your weight loss and muscle toning results surpassed your expectations—as has happened for so many others.

Why such an outrageous DOUBLE guarantee?

Because Flo and I don’t want you to feel one single iota of risk.

We don’t want to keep your money if FLO FIT doesn’t work for you, or you’re unhappy in any way.

And we don’t want anything at all to stand between you and a lifetime of FLO FITNESS.

You’re about to take a step that will change your life in more ways than you can even imagine.

Think of what it will be like to step onto a path right now that will take you all the way to the selfie-ready body, the good health, the confidence, and the life you’ve always wanted.

Imagine what it will be like as that unwanted fat begins to disappear...

As muscles that once sagged begin to acquire shape and definition...

And as your body begins to transform itself from tired and out-of-shape to energized fitness and radiant health.

Think of what it will be like to know that every day you’ll be shedding that useless, stubborn fat...

That has clung to you for far too long.

Finally, imagine being in the kind of shape that makes you GLAD when someone whips out a smartphone or camera...

And you HOPE they’ll post it on Facebook or Instagram.

And last but not least, imagine the kind of confidence that will come as you create a stronger, healthier, better-looking body for yourself.

Flo Rida selfie

Well, my new friend, that time starts right now, and it’s only a click away.

A single click that takes you on a path AWAY from broken vows to yourself... AWAY from fitness fads that never live up to their promises... AWAY from feeling embarrassed about your body...

And TOWARD a new life of fitness, health and feeling GREAT about yourself.

So what will it be?

Will you continue along the path that has gotten you nowhere—that has only served to get you further and further out of shape?

Will you continue to search among the millions of exercise videos on YouTube and all the contradictory nutrition information on the internet hoping to piece together something that works on your own?

Or will you join Flo and all those who have discovered a BETTER way to finally get the body, the health, and the fitness they’ve always wanted?

Let’s create your Perfect Fitness Mix together, shall we.

Starting Right Now...


Only $79


Get ImmediateAccess RIGHT NOW


Down 15 Pounds

“When I started FLO FIT I had very little muscle definition and had excess fat on my waistline, chest and arms.

“After 8 weeks I was down 15 pounds and had more upper body definition than ever.

“I truly believe in this program.”

— Steve Layne, Philadelphia, PA, 27 years old

Loves being able to shop for “regular” sized clothing

“My goal was to get into better shape and lose weight.

“Today I feel like I’m in the best shape of my life. I’ve definitely exceeded my initial goals. I now enjoy working out and feel good about myself because I can do things like run and do pull-ups, which I couldn’t do before.

“It’s a great confidence boost to be able to shop where they sell “regular” sized clothing.”

— John, lives in California

Exceeded all expectations

“When I started training with Mike, my goal was to lose weight and to gain stamina, endurance and muscle.

“I exceeded all my expectations.

“Mike is different because to him, getting you in the best shape of your life is PERSONAL.”

— Rudy Svorinich, Jr., Los Angeles, CA

Looking great and loving self more

“My goal was to look great. And I’ve done just thatwith Mike.

“My confidence level went up. I started to love myself more.

“Now I feel confident to help and support those who seek help on health and fitness.”

— Sung Lee, lives in California